1st FIW Round Table: ,Nearshoring trends in SEE – what is ahead?’

The Research Centre International Economics (FIW) in cooperation with the Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy (BMAW), the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) and the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKÖ) cordially invite you to the following event:
1st FIW Round Table: Focus Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe
,Nearshoring trends in SEE – what is ahead?’
The consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine called for greater resilience of supply chains and a higher level of cooperation in Europe. New buzzwords were coined, such as reshoring, nearshoring, and friendshoring. Moreover, the EU integration process was again revived. As EU companies aim to shorten their supply chains, bringing their production network closer to their home, Western Balkan countries are in the spotlight. Yet, besides the economic and geographic potential to grasp these FDI opportunities, the Western Balkans still face many socio-political challenges. This event will discuss these issues and give further insight into state-of-the-art research and relevant policies helping the Western Balkans to benefit from these new investment opportunities.
· Isidora Ljumovic, Senior Research Associate, Institute of Economic Sciences (IES)
Global uncertainties and sectorial focus on nearshoring
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Link to the study: Analysis of Value Chains in the Western Balkan Economies – Enriching the Potential for Regional Cooperation in Priority Areas
· Branimir Jovanovic, Economist, wiiw
FDI and Nearshoring: A Win-Win for East and West Europe?
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Link to the study: Getting Stronger After COVID-19: Nearshoring Potential in the Western Balkans
Link to the study: Economic and Social Impacts of FDI in Central, East and Southeast Europe
FIW Round Table is a series of events to discuss current trade policy issues and foster a systematic and sustainable networking among different actors in this field from Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe.